Ooof - Right now, I think I’m struggling with setting up a manageable routine. Milo is in the throughs of adolescence and has recently been hard to settle down at night. Knowing that routines are so unique to the dog - but if there is any resources on setting up one or what I should be specifically thinking about for his age range. Restless Milo equals sleepy Kaylynn
Routines are so hard, and so is adolescence. Research suggests that the benefit of routine is found in the activity over the timing. In other words, it’s most helpful that the walk always comes after dinner, but it’s okay if dinner is at 5 on some nights and at 7 on others.
Calming enrichment (sniffing, licking, chewing) and On-Off Switch games are a saving grace in adolescence 😍😅
And know you’re not alone! That thinking brain is coming back!!! Adulthood is on the horizon!!
Ooof - Right now, I think I’m struggling with setting up a manageable routine. Milo is in the throughs of adolescence and has recently been hard to settle down at night. Knowing that routines are so unique to the dog - but if there is any resources on setting up one or what I should be specifically thinking about for his age range. Restless Milo equals sleepy Kaylynn